This week has been insane!! On Wednesday morning, we reported to the travel office at 6:50 am with all of our luggage. We rode on a bus to the Provo frontrunner station, and rode that to Salt Lake, where we had about 2 minutes to grab all of our bags and hurry up the stairs to another bus, which then took us to the airport. Flew from Salt Lake to Denver, then from there to Des Moines, where we were met by the amazing President and Sister Badger. They are super nice and sweet, and they had amazing food, even better than the MTC. Sister Tobias and I were the only new sisters in Iowa, and there were six elders that flew with us, and we stayed the night at the mission home before heading to Iowa City early Thursday morning. There I met my super awesome trainer, Sister Short, from Draper, Utah. (yes, she is a little short). Then we drove three hours to my first area - Osceola, Iowa (Pronounced O-C-O-la). We are pinkwashing the area-basically, there hasn't been sister missionaries in Osceola in 30 years, so both of us are new to the place, so it has been an adventure. The elders before definitely had a sense of humor and put pictures of Christ everywhere. Why is that funny? So on all the walls, on the fridge, in the fridge, in cupboards, on the couches, tapped to the bed, and in the shower. Yes, in the shower.

Friday, we had our first district meeting. Played a few games and ate food, so that was awesome. Then, Sister Short and I went knocking. We knocked for about an hour in the cold (Iowa is FREEZING), and got mostly 'no thank you', but there was one house that looked like a house straight out of Christmas movie, and the person there listened and took a Book of Mormon. First Investigator! Yay! Saturday, we taught a nice couple named Roy and Rita. They had been receiving lessons from the elders before, and they are on track to be baptized in February. We got a referral from one of the families, and her name is Jackie. She has been awesome! She listened to the first lesson and completely ate it up, then surprised us by showing up to church on Sunday. She said that she has never felt so good as she did since her friend told her she set up appointments with the missionaries.
This morning was probably the best though. The elders before had left a few things behind, and Sister Short and I had a lot of fun with it...
It's the full thing, by the way. We went out and played basketball for a little, but it was awkward because the suits were way too big.